Another perspective on leaving the ballet world: Chloe Shelby

So, I just the left the world of dance. And you’ve heard my story. But there are lots of other stories out there, often untold to the dance world. Or worse, misunderstood. When we are involved in an endeavor that has required such dedication to reach our level, it can be hard to understand why … More Another perspective on leaving the ballet world: Chloe Shelby

Cora Bos-Kroese on the genius of Jiri Kylian – and being a part of his legacy

Here you are, in part 2 of our conversation. In the first part, Cora shared what she looks for when running an audition for a Kylian ballet that she’s setting. If you missed part 1, check it out here. In this second section, we talk about her relationship with Jiri Kylian, the way it shaped her knowledge of dance … More Cora Bos-Kroese on the genius of Jiri Kylian – and being a part of his legacy

5 perspectives on the life of a professional ballet dancer

What is it like to be a dancer? What do we strive for? What do we fear? In my previous article, I wrote about my perspective of the pursuit of perfection in a ballet dancer’s life, and about what that might entail. I got a great response from all of you, but it made me wonder: “How … More 5 perspectives on the life of a professional ballet dancer

Why the ancient greeks are the best ballet dancers: a brief look at Stoicism

A few months ago, Sports Illustrated released an article entitled: “How a book on stoicism became wildly popular at every level of the NFL.” This article detailed how The Obstacle is the Way, a book about the benefits of applying the ancient greek philosophy of Stoicism to life in the modern world, has spread throughout the NFL, including football … More Why the ancient greeks are the best ballet dancers: a brief look at Stoicism